More than any other type of pest or insect, that can cause major damage to homeowners, there is nothing more dangerous than termites. Termites, not to be confused with carpenter ants, by themselves can singly destroy a wood structure in just a matter of a very few short years. Termite identification and their types is something one should know is they don't want their property to get infested by them. First evidence of termite activity many not be noticeable for at least five years after infecting a structure. Unluckily, at that time it might be too delayed.

Do-it-yourself termite extermination
It is possible to remove termites yourself; however, it will only provide temporary relief from an infestation problem and will need to be dealt with from a qualified pest control Canberra company at a later date. One do-it-yourself method from termite removal is using a non-toxic cardboard trap method.
Using layers of cardboard that have been wetted and bundled together, place the cardboard trap next to areas where you see termite activity. The wet cardboard contains cellulose, the food that termites love to feed on. They will infest the cardboard fairly quickly within a few days. Remove the trap and completely burn it in a safe area. Repeat this process several times to remove the majority of termites in an area. This method will not eradicate them completely, however, in conjunction with other methods this will take care of the majority of the problem.
Another method of termite eradication and removal is by using beneficial nematodes. Beneficial nematodes are very small parasitic worms that normally host upon termites and other insects. The nematodes search for the termite larva, once found, burrow into their bodies which causes the larva to die within 48 hours or less. They then use the dead hosts to re-spawn and multiply spreading to other larva. Nematodes should be used as soon as they are purchased and placed in soil temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep them out of the direct sunlight as UV light will harm them.
If termites have infested a piece of furniture or some other portable wood object, expose it to direct sunlight. Termites are most active in complete darkness and avoid sunlight. Heat from the sun will usually kill the termites in a matter of a few days. This method can be used in conjunction with cardboard traps as well.
One last non-pesticide option for the removal of termites is freezing. If you have access to a large enough freezer, consider placing your termite infested wood object in the freezer for several days. This will guarantee their deaths.

Professional termite extermination methods
One of the most effective means of effectively killing termites is with boric acid. Boric acid is a very common ingredient in most termite insecticides. It works by affecting the termites nervous system basically paralyzing it and then causing the termite to dehydrate and eventually die.
Boric acid can be placed in bait stations or traps. Coating the affected areas with boric acid and wood where termites are active. Place any boric acid bait stations near where an infestation is present. Check the bait stations on a regular basis and make sure to keep the boric acid topped off. Evidence of termite deaths should be seen around the bait station.
Microwave heat treatment is also an effective solution since heat will kill termites on contact. This is a professionally applied process and requires the proper tools to do so. Contact a certified pest control company and see if this is available to you.